Humla District - The Western Apple Mine of Nepal

western apple mine
The western part of Nepal is considered to be one of the main parts of Nepal to cultivate apples. The apples that Nepal produces are considered to be one of the best in the world. The production of apples is more in the western part than in other parts of Nepal.

The number of apples that are produced are enough many people. But, sadly, the produced apples are not getting enough market. Especially. the Humla district of Nepal is marked as the apple production zone. The apples that grow in that district goes into waste as it is not easily accessible.

Humla district is featured by different flora and faunas including its sweet tasting apples. The district is a remote one where developments are being carried out. The district's topography helps in the production of high-quality apples. 

Apples are not the only thing that seems to get hidden from the outside world. The hidden gem of the Humla district is the Limi Valley, which is great for trekking. Many people were dependent of agriculture and husbandry for their daily life. But now, trade and commerce are also becoming a part of the daily life in Humla.

Due to the dependency of people on agriculture, people are not getting enough money to easily spend their daily life. To increase the living standard of people of Humla district, the apples that are produced must be given the national and international markets.

If the apples that grow in Humla gets the market then, the people can easily sell them. It is believed that if the apples of Humla district are to be sold, the per kg price of apples would be half percent lesser than it is now. People are importing the apples from India while we have the capacity to exporting apples.
