Want to earn money online? Have you checked other websites and found people boasting earning hundreds of thousands of dollars in a week? It’s not surprising, people do that often scamming people to make them believe their stories and gain traffic through them. Don’t believe such type of stories. It is not possible to earn thousands of dollars overnight. You should invest some time and have patience in order to earn money. It may take a while depending upon your hard work and dedication towards it.
So, you want to know how to earn money online in Nepal? There are many ways you can earn money through various platforms. Most of the people are earning money through it right now. I have included the most common methods used.
1. Facebook and Youtube
2. Google Adsense
3. Blogging
4. Affiliate Marketing
5. Freelancing
6. ‘Get Paid To’ Sites
1. Facebook and Youtube
Facebook: You can earn money from facebook. You can create a page on facebook about any type of topic you are interested in. Grow up your audience/followers and keep them engaged on your page. When your followers grow you can sell your page for handsome money to others.
Or, you can reach to other brands and ask them for sponsorship with your page. You can earn money through it while as the brands get advertisement through your page. Let us consider that your page provides information about different types of foods. You can contact restaurant, food vendors and offer them advertisement deals. They will pay you for the advertisement while you just have to post pitching about their services.
Youtube: Start a channel on youtube. Capture your passion into a video and upload to your channel. It’s all you have to do. You can do anything you want. Vlogging, song cover, reviews, prank videos, tutorials, etc. When you have quite a decent number of subscribers, you can put up advertisement deals with businesses. Via Adsense, you can request for ads on your videos which is also another factor that helps in earning money.
If you want to learn Facebook marketing then check out: Elance Academy
2. Google Adsense
Google Adsense is a platform via which creators earn online through ads. If you have a website, blog, youtube channel, apps etc. with a decent amount of contents and traffic then you can apply for Google Adsense partnership. If your Google Adsense partnership is approved, then ads will visible in your websites, blog, youtube channel, apps. These ads help you earn some cash depending upon the number of people visited your site and see the ads.
3. Blogging
Blogging has become one of the popular ways of earning money. Building and updating the blog on a regular basis until it starts to make money takes quite a time and patience. Over time, your effort will make things easier and your blog will start giving you passive income. Starting a blog is quite easier. There are many platforms where you can start your own blog. Sites like WordPress, Wix, Jimdo, blogger, Weebly, etc provide custom domain name and hosting where you can post blogs and start earning money.
4. Affiliate Marketing
You can also make money with affiliate marketing strategies in which you should promote the products or services of a business.
Affiliate marketing takes place in these steps:
Pay per sale: You get a commission when a purchase is made through your site.
Pay per action: Affiliates earns a commission when a specific action is taken by the referral or lead. Some of the common actions included in this method are clicks, impressions, form submission, sign-ups etc.
5. Freelancing
If you have a particular skill then you can work as a freelancer on various projects and get paid. Freelancing services provided by professionals of Nepal are:
· Programming
· Writing
· Video Editing
· Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
· Web Design
· Graphic Design
Freelancing doesn’t guarantee you good money in the early days. Freelancing projects are either high paying or low paying. To get high paying project you have to win the project by biding on the project competing against other freelancers. So, in early days you have to do low budget projects and make yourself established with the platforms.
Here are some sites you can offer freelancing services:
· Freelancer
· Upwork
· Toptal
· Fiverr
· Microworkers
6. ‘Get Paid To’ sites
Get Paid To (GPT) websites are also one of the popular platforms. There is no need for any special knowledge and skills to earn from these websites. You can register and start earning with zero investments.
In GPT sites people are provided with different offers. All you have to do is complete those offers. Offers provided are of these types:
· Filling out forms
· Visiting different websites
· Completing surveys
· Watching video
· Clicking Ads
All of these above mentioned are proven. People have already made money and cashed out successfully. Following the right steps of any above-mentioned way, you can earn money and end up making a living with it.
If you are willing to be an expert any particular field then try any one of the above and make the money out of it. Best of luck.
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